Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We all like to do some shopping while on vacation or visiting another part of the country. Why not still find the consignment deals while traveling?

Check out or

You never know what deals you might find! (Don't forget to leave some room in your suitcase!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Website!

Have you seen our newly remodeled website

Check out the featured items tab to see some of the great items we have in stock today. The website is constantly updating, so if you see an item, it is still available. Items that sell are automatically taken off the web.

Looking for something specific? Email us and we will be happy to add your request to our wishlist and contact you once that item comes in.

Don't forget to request access to your account lookup through the website also. You can now check your balance, and SOON adding make an appointment to bring in your items.

Have fun exploring our new look!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Safe Car Booster Seats

Thanks to an article in March '10 Parents magazine, I found the list of safe car booster seats published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Notice this list has 11 models of seat boosters that are NOT recommended, BUT...they advise you to NOT stop using them immediately....ANY booster seat is better than none, just replace them as soon as you can.

Car safety is such an important issue, we need to make sure our car seats are safe for the kids during the entire time they need to use them. In Massachusetts, we are required by law to keep the kids in a seat until they are 8 years old or 57 inches tall, then they use the car seat belt like the rest of us.

Check your booster seat against this list or CPSC's recall list just make sure they are still up to date for safety guidelines.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Crib Safety

Here, at Cutie Patutie's we value the safety of your family and always check items against the Consumer Product Safety Commission's recall list, and test it's structure, before we accept and sell any product.

It is up to us as parents, to do even more! Many times a product you own, may have gotten damaged in storage or moving, and we don't always replace an item as soon as it may need it.

As a general guideline, a car seat of any kind, must be replaced if it has been in ANY kind of car accident. Even a minor fender-bender can reduce the safety of these seats by making a small crack in the frame we wouldn't even be able to see. Aren't our kids worth the price of a new car seat??

Another item that gets over-looked many times are cribs. The crib you used as a child is NOT safe now! There are new guidelines and regulations regarding crib safety we should all be aware of. Check out this link to CPSC's crib guidelines for drop sided cribs.

It's amazing that something we use every day, may be harmful. Using a crib with replacement parts, even as small as a screw, can make the difference in the structural integrity of the crib. A gap between the mattress and frame of 2 finger sizes is all it takes for a baby to get caught and possibly hurt.

We ask you to please, check the safety of all your products used for your babies and replace them when they seem weak or worn out.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Winter cleaning?

As we were stuck at home today, I started to get cabin fever and think about spring cleaning. Maybe if we think of spring, it will come sooner??

I recently heard of a quick and easy way to clean the kids toys. Wipe hard plastic toys with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then rinse. The vinegar will clean all the germs and won't harm the kids!

Good luck cleaning, and remember, it's worth the work if it keeps the kids from getting sick!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Going away Feb. vacation?

A great way to save on items you might need for your trip is to buy from a consignment store before you go! We always have items that feature characters from vacation spots you might be visiting or warm weather clothes to fit the kids after the winter growth spurts!

I always pack a couple new toys or books in my daughter's travel bag. She loves to get the surprises in her bag, and can really ease the wait during travel. A new card game or book can make layovers and car rides a lot easier on everyone.

Happy Travels!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Gear needed

All of a sudden, our inventory of baby gear has gone to good homes. We need more highchairs, pack n plays, cribs, changing tables, infant swings etc. No appointment needed to bring in 2 of these items in per day!

Load up the car, and bring your unused items down to turn them into fast store credit to use on new a new spring wardrobe for the little ones in your life!